Saturday, April 28, 2007

Hazardous Waste in Beaverton

I wondered how many hazardous waste sites there are in Washington County. There is just one, according to the U.S. Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry.

The former View-Master factory supply well, at 8585 SW Hall Boulevard, is contaminated with a carcinogen called TCE and other toxic substances. This is next to (and/or under) Cascade Plaza, across 217 from Washington Square where Powell's Books is. Supposedly they cleaned up the site, which had contaminated groundwater. I don't know.

Those of a certain age will remember they used to make ViewMaster toys there, which we thought was pretty cool. Well, they used some bad stuff making those toys, and they didn't behave well. It's all detailed here and on Wikipedia. They don't know how this stuff may have affected people who worked at the site, but it seems there's been a lot of cancer.

So that's it. Just a bit of local history, unless someone knows of a continuing story here.

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